Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Zombie Eyes

'Tis the Season….for the flu…and strep…and sinus infections…and all the other viruses no one has a name for!  I have often wondered why we don’t give those unidentified viruses human names like they give hurricanes names.  Why should the meteorologists have all the power? 

In our home the unidentified “Noah” virus always hits at exactly the wrong time.  I know it is about to take over my life when he gets in the car after school, and he has “the eyes”.  You know the eyes I am talking about.  Those zombie eyes.  The glassy eyes your child possesses that tell you your whole day will be canceled tomorrow because he will be in bed, sick as a dog.  

I think through my day tomorrow, and I realize “ain’t nobody got time for that!”  So, I whip out my Thieves essential oil to save the day!  I put it on the bottoms of his feet several times throughout the evening, I give it to him in a capsule form, and I diffuse like a mad woman.

Early to bed for Noah because even thought the oils are powerful, they can't replace the benefit of good sleep!  The next morning the zombie eyes are gone, Noah is off to school, and I have a big smile on my face as I get to do my day as planned.

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