I did.
It was the day before Thanksgiving, and we had our
super fun family from Chicago in town. Free-spirited
good times always reign when they show up on our doorstep. Common sense is often abandoned in the quest
to keep the carefree, holiday atmosphere going strong. So when Greg’s brother, Mark, announced that
he bought gum from 1988 at the card store, there was no need to think it
through. I immediately announced, “I am
As I started to chew the gum, it instantaneously dissolved
in my mouth. There was no spitting it
out and no getting rid of the nasty toxins that quickly traveled down my throat
deep into the pit of my stomach. It only
took about 10 seconds for me to realize that gum, unlike fine wine, does NOT get better with age. My stomach began to
gurgle, and I felt sick.
Luckily, my essential oil drawer was in the
kitchen nearby. I filled my glass with water, put
a drop of peppermint in for my indigestion, and added a few drops of lemon to
help detox. A few minutes passed, and I
was ready to take on some more stupid fun.
I couldn’t wait to see what we would do next!
ORDER: www.tinyurl.com/oilobsession
For questions or more information: julie_hornok@yahoo.com